Friday, 16 October 2015

Trial Pitch

We decided to change our idea from our initial concept. Now for our video we'd like to establish the  Festival's connection to Brighton through a series of statements: "You can't have Brighton without the beach; you can't have Brighton Festival without you". Unfortunately we didn't have much time to meet up as a group to prepare, due to conflicting schedules. Subsequently, we weren't entirely confident in our pitch as we needed to think through our idea a bit more.

In our feedback we were told that this slide was unnecessary and we didn't need to introduce ourselves in this way. Instead in our real pitch we will simply give a brief introduction to who we are.

We were also informed that this slide was quite unclear, and we did not properly communicate what our idea was. Subsequently we shall think this through a bit more so that the client understand what we're aiming to produce.

We had only picked a few locations and discussed why we had chosen them. I think we should do more research in to the locations the festival takes place as they will probably be more relevant.

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